Saturday 29 August 2015

Emeka Ike Does Not Make Trouble, He is Good… Clarion Chukwura

Clarion Chukwura

Veteran Nollywood actress, Clarion Chukwura, is in the news again and this time she has aired her opinion on what she feels about actor, Emeka Ike’s capability to lead the Actors Guild of Nigeria (AGN).

According to the actress, Emeka, has explained his plans for the Guild and she feels he has great plans that will help position it and should be given a chance.

Clarion, who had once kicked against the ability of the President of the Guild, Ibinabo Fiberesima, noted that Emeka is not a trouble maker and only needs an opportunity.

“Emeka Ike is my colleague and a friend. He has spoken to me on several occasions on what he wants to do with the Actors Guild of Nigeria and I am eager to see him achieve his set goals. Emeka Ike is not a trouble maker. If he was, then why would such a number of state chairmen of the AGN support him? If the majority feels he can turn things then he is not a trouble maker. There are a lot of charlatans that expect President Buhari to fail but all I would say is that we should give Emeka Ike a chance and see if he would fail,” she told Punch.

Story by Nathan Nathaniel Ekpo 

Posted by Nipponcy Richard

Tuesday 25 August 2015


Actors Guild of Nigeria – Lagos Chapter under the visionary leadership of Don Pedro Aganbi was today honoured with a special recognition award by the Commissioner of Police Fatai Owoseni.

  Speaking at the ceremony AGN Chairman  Don Pedro Aganbi  said he thanked the Commissioner for the good Job of policing the state and for providing an enabling environment for Movie makers in the state. “In the next few weeks we shall be hosting our annual Actors-Entertainers week and we shall as always need your support, partnership and police protection to make the one week fiesta a huge success. Aganbi posited. Responding, the commissioner said “This visit is very timely because i have been looking forward to it. Information at my disposal indicates that Actors Guild of Nigeria is the largest in Nollywood because you are the screen Actors who the people see on Television, that is why we need to partner with you for a more innovative and secure state and by large a more secured nation.  In the just concluded Security conference the Inspector General of Police said “Effective policing of a society is dependent on the level of security consciousness of the citizens and the strength of the understanding that exists between the Policing Agencies and the community.
This explains why it is generally acknowledged that no police force in the world, no matter how well motivated, equipped or trained can successfully operate without the acceptance and support of
the various communities. The need for community input to policing and crime management in Nigeria has even become more imperative considering our current national security challenges in which kidnapping, armed robbery, murder, transnational crimes, terrorism and other organized crimes have evolved to threaten our national values and over-all progress as a nation”. it means that Actors Guild of Nigeria, Nollywood has a role to play in this critical time of our nation and rest assured that you shall get full backing from the state command in your activities.

The Lagos State commissioner of police said. He then presented the recognition award to the ebullient AGN Lagos Chairman, Don Pedro Aganbi.On the entourage of the AGN Chairman was State secretary, Stella Maris Nnaji, National Chief Edith Irabor Williams, Nollywood Veterans, Chief Rachael Oniga, Sunday Afolabi and Tommy Oyewole. Others are Shedrack Itua, Charles Onwordi, Paul Anyaegbu and Queen Sarah Oseoni

POSTED BY :Nipponcy Richard

Monday 17 August 2015

Is Nigerian Movie Industry Operating In Some Kind Of Secret Duress......

Nigerian Movie Industry , everything about Nigeria is an emulation not an imitation / The impact of gay right to the Nollywood and Nigeria.
Chukwu Chinomso
Nigerian government bluntly rejecting to accept gay right into Nigerian constitution shows Nigeria is not afraid .This bold decision has giving other African countries the light of seeing things in a different way especially in such a weird law like Gay right.It also gave an indication that she is one of the leading countries in the world to emulate.If Nigeria could take such a proactive decision that has saved our country future shame and punishment, this means Nigeria can be who she tends to be without imitating certain or most countries as it was thought to have been all the past years.Nigeria is the giant of Africa,the biggest oil producing country in Africa,Map of Nigeria is situated at the trigger sector in the pistol looking map of Africa,she is the largest economy in Africa,the second largest movie producing country in the world, to mention only but few , she has every right to stand out completely from depending on other countries in making decisions that will bring about the betterment of her people.

Whether we believe it or not, America giving right to same sex marriage and Nigeria profusely rejecting to join them despite the fact that their president (though being an African American) specifically persuaded our government to do the same yet to no avail,this has directly or indirectly increased competition between the two nations. So the outcome should not take our movie industry and other meaningful organisations in Nigeria unawares although America is facing competition from the whole world.Nigerian movie industry should stand out on their own out of the crowd to take the bull by the horn by taking the leadership crown due for her just as our great politicians have done.Let the world see the leadership quality in our nation through the movies. Let us foster characters to be emulated from watching our movies.Let that practical fear of God that was exhibited by rejecting same sex marriage by our great politicians be seen in our movies instead of some senseless characters watched in some foreign movies.

Not only that; there is no part of the world you would travel to without seeing a Nigerian there. Nigeria is the only country that is scattered abroad to every singular country. And when you look at the religious aspect of this fact you would see such a character as the light of the world and the salt of the nation with which it must be added in a particular country to make that country complete and progressive but we will put more lights on the religious facts at the end of this article.

Recently Nigeria is seen as a country that has more to offer than oil and movies,especially things that other countries needs to emulate.This has reduced the bad names that has been tagged on Nigeria and her citizens for decades. One of the most emulative characters is the recent most peaceful conceding of defeat and transferring of power from a 16 years winning party to an opposition party without having or looking at sentiments that could stop such a humility and practical fear of God exhibition.Do not forget that APC has been unsuccessful to take over power from PDP for many years until they put the tag 'CHANGE' which attracted so many youths who are tired of being the same all their lives as they expect something new in their lives.This means everyone likes to see changes in whatever that exists as change is a constant phenomenon. One of the big factors of change is maintaining to a strict decision and the effect of maintaining to a good decision brings about better life.When it comes to standing out from the crowd you must be unique in every good way if not the best.

Let the spirit of change be spread all around Nigeria and the world through our movies and let all hands be on deck.Let our movie industry's name be changed from Nollywood to something more independent from Hollywood at least something to show some superiority to other movie industries.Not only that, let our movie industry open distribution and production offices in major economic powerful countries like Malaysia, China, India, Dubai, Germany,Canada,Hong Kong,Mexico etc since the business is very lucrative;Let there be a reshuffled task force to cub down piracy and let the industry pay for major TV stations advertisements of its job vacancies and products for sale if not opening a caple station for Nigerian movies in these listed countries.If the movies are very much educative on learning good things, bringing about changes and cleaning the bad image of Nigeria internationally, the market will sale itself even before the end of one year advertisement.

In 2009 , Nollywood surpassed Hollywood in world ranking, making Nigerian movie industry to be ranking the 2nd largest producers in the world after India which is worth over US$3.5 billion in terms of value and the number of movies produced annually.Although Nigerian films have been produced since the 1960s, the rise of affordable digital filming and editing technologies has stimulated the country's film and video industry. One thing that the movie industry should not forget is that people are more attracted to see anything new instead of things they usually see. Since the new political change of power was based on bringing change to the whole Nigeria our movie industry should not be excluded to this changes. It should also make impact to this so as to also benefit from it.For a country to exhibit such special characters, it needs to be encouraged through publicity.One thing that the movie industry should not forget is that people are more attracted to see anything new instead of things they usually see. Since the new political change of power was based on bringing change to the whole Nigeria our movie industry should not be excluded to this changes. It should also make impact to this so as to also benefit from it.

From my research, someone asked the question in 'what is the meaning of Nollywood?' Mere looking at it, Nollywood has no full meaning at all for being a name that covers a very influential company that provides over 300,000 jobs for Nigerians and even if it has, the meaning has nothing to tell about the stand out of our great country from the crowd for being such a unique movie industry.There is every indication that the name Nollywood came from the name Hollywood but you can notice that Hollywood is a name of a city in USA which everyone that hears the name would have idea what it could be even for the first time and may like to know what that company is all about or how holy can the company or group of people be.But for Nollywood it gives no rough idea what it could be about if not in connection to American stuff.Most of the movies produced in Nigeria are very unique.There is a lot of recommendation on Nigerian movies internationally more than other countries' movies.The demand is always above the supply which has created room for pirated copies to be able to be sold.Although Nigerians back home may be too weary of watching the same movies every time while still in Nigeria but this is not so in abroad, as the most frequently watched movies abroad is Nigerian movies both by Nigerians in diaspora and foreigners.

If this our home country entertainment agency is financially supported it can as well provide job opportunities for Nigerians in diaspora who cannot find a reasonable job in the listed countries and these Nigerians cannot just forfeit all their millions spent to travel abroad and just return to Nigeria empty handed. Especially the girls who some wicked Jazeebel reincarnates see as a money making machine by deceiving them that they would be given better lives abroad and that there is money in prostitution, taking them from their responsible homes to turn them into professional prostitutes abroad just to make money. Brainwashing them,bringing them to a country they don't know anyone, taking their passports,putting them into direct or indirect duress with a lot of frustration that ends them up into unwillingly obeying them to do prostitution abroad.Some are made to agree from Nigeria and taken to the native doctors to swear an oath to pay their sponsor US$25,000 if they are brought to Malaysia. Tell me how many men she needs to sleep with to make US$25,000 before she starts making her own money.I believe if our movie industry can generate 300,000 jobs in Nigeria then it can as well generate 3 million jobs all over the world especially Malaysia where there is little or no jobs for the Nigerian youths to support their educational carriers. At the end of the day the industry gets richer and more famous while both countries' economy gets fatter.
Some times so many questions ponder my head;Why does it look like Nigeria is afraid to take the lead in all aspects of life in this world which is already hovering all over her head? Is Nigeria afraid to take the lead? If Nigeria was not afraid to reject gay right more than one time and more than one political regime despite the direct and indirect pressures mounted on her,is it to take the leadership in the movie industry and other aspects of life that she should be afraid?And why can't our home entertainment Industry surprise Bollywood more than the way China surprised America in economy.To my observation,what joined in bringing bad market to most of our country based companies are rebels in their mists. It is the rat inside the house that told the rat outside that there is a fish in the cardboard 'so come lets loot'The whole movie industry and other industries should conduct screening on intervals so that they could maintain the whole sector as one family and as one country in one single goal to bring a sustainable change/growth to the whole industry and the whole country.A house divided of itself cannot stand.

Having a similar movie industry name with Hollywood is no more advisable since we have beat them in the latest ranking, besides that; someone hearing Hollywood might think its better than Nollywood thereby effecting more interest and purchases towards the American movies to Nigerian movies. Apart from that, Hollywood is a neighborhood in the central region of Los Angeles,California and notable of its place as the home of the entertainment Industry and specifically for United States.
Throwing more light on what Hollywood means; Its true origins goes back to Nordic times and Pagan rituals. “The druids were tree worshipers,especially the oak. The holly was their most sacred symbol because it was sacred to mother Holle or Hel, the [Norse] goddess of the underworld……thus we have Holle, or Holly-wood (Hel-wood, the “place of magic”) and home of the Illuminati’s mass propaganda and conditioning machine in California. The holly wood was a favorite source of magic wands.”

Hollywood has magical connotations,involving witchcraft,the wood itself.Most people are indoctrinated automatons with nil
esoteric knowledge so they take everything they see at face value not realizing that most all symbols ans sigils have double and sometimes triple meanings,the Eagle on the Back of the Dollar bill is apparent but to the adepts it is a Phoenix,which is to say it's esoteric(For the few) meaning is a phoenix.Ordo ab chao. Tracing the origin of Hollywood, the hands of the Jews like Zukor, Laemmle,Fox and Cohn would be seen in it.However what is certain is that the history of Cinema is now old enough for us to see the extraordinary power this medium has had upon the political and moral values of the masses. Many Jews have persistently sought, and gained, this power throughout the twentieth century.This is to say that the Jews are behind the Hollywood Entertainment.

Even if you claim that Nollywood has nothing to do with Hollywood or that the name was not borrowed from Hollywood, one would argue that 'wood' and 'entertainment' is seen in the two companies' names and activities.Do not forget that 'woods' has always got something to do with witchcraft. Unfortunately Hollywood originates from USA but when you compare it with Nollywood it automatically down grades Nollywood by showing uniformity and imitation of our greatest Nigerian entertainment industry from American entertainment industry.Let's draw some insight of what 'Nolly' could mean from
N - You have a great common sense and a higher ability in life. You see things much before they happen.
O - You are a very closed person. You like keeping secrets and enjoy your privacy. You do not want to explain yourself to people.
L - You have the most talented personality. You can be talented in so many different areas like art, sports and education.
L - You have the most talented personality. You can be talented in so many different areas like art, sports and education.
Y - You never forget the past. You have a very vindictive personality. Your vindictiveness can be a great advantage for you. Use it carefully!In the home you assume your responsibilities capably, having the self-confidence to form your own opinions and make your own decisions.Your name of Nolly gives you a clever mind, good business judgment, a sense of responsibility, and an appreciation of the finer things of life.Friction could arise through others feeling that you were interfering with their rights and privileges, even though you are only trying to help.You are serious-minded and not inclined to make light of things even in little ways, and in your younger years you had more mature interests than others your age.Whatever you set out to accomplish you do your very best to complete in accordance with what you consider to be right.However, there is a tendency to be a little too independent in your thinking and it is difficult for you to accept the help of others when you should.Due to your strong sense of responsibility, you could experience worry and mental turmoil through assuming more responsibility than you should. Home and family mean a great deal to you and it is natural that you should desire the security of a peaceful, settled home environment where you can enjoy the companionship of family and friends.Others can rely on you; once you have given your word you will do your utmost to fulfill a responsibility'.

There is no way anyone can say that Nollywood, Bollywood and Hollywood are the same company and share the same ideologies or they are all managed by witchcraft unless you want to prove me otherwise then do it.For crying out loud, our Nigerian movie stars and producers needs to be fully recognized and differentiated from Hollywood and Bollywood.We need to stand out from the crowd and increase our marketing strategies, after all our movies are unique and many foreigners confess to enjoy the movies more than other movies in the world or is Nigerian movie Industry operating in some kind of secret duress or evil bond with Hollywood controllers like Illuminati or others? Can't it be destroyed if it is?Your name should connect to what you do or your dreams as I could agree 'Nolly' is connected but how about 'wood'? Whether you believe it or not God is physically personified in Nigeria and mind you, you don't need to believe this for it to be true.You have every spiritual power and chances to denounce whatever evil commitment or bond you might have with any evil cult previously and still live to testify the supremacy of the power of the living God. But I will talk about this later if you want to know more.

In other to beat the best in this industry you should start by getting it's name out of the woods to something more powerful with the African Godly powers(Practical Fear of God) which I'm humbly suggested 'Nollybest' or other names better than Nollywood. The question is, are the Jews or the illuminati also behind the Nollywood Entertainment? The only other group written in the Holy Books when you hear the Jews is the Gentiles. Shouldn't the Gentiles take over Nigerian Movie Industry and bring about it's change?If the Gentiles are already in charge of the Nigerian home entertainment are they the real Gentiles or another wolf in sheep clothing?
Chukwu Chinomso
Now lets fall back to our champion religious book to clarify and to justify this article on who are the Gentiles,what to expect from them and the new Nigerian Home Entertainment Industry and all Nigerian Industries with the world.Gentiles/Edomites are simply anyone that is not a Jew from the grand children of Abraham.The descendants of Esau whom his younger brother deceived and took his birthright, God said in the last days he would assume dominion and break the slavery chains of his brother from his neck and will gain back his leadership powers which means the dominion is an everlasting one;I quote..
1)Genesis 25 vs 23; And the LORD said unto her,Two nations are in thy womb,and two manner of people shall be separated from thy bowels;and the one people shall be stronger than the other people;and the elder shall serve the younger.

2)Genesis 25 vs 32 to 34; And Esau said to Jacob,feed me, I pray thee,with that same red pottage; for I am faint:therefore was his name called Edom.And Jacob said, sell me this day thy birthright. And Esau said, behold,I am at the point to die:and what profit shall this birthright do to me?And Jacob said, Swear to me this day;and he sware unto him:and he sold his birthright unto Jacob.Then Jacob gave Esau bread and pottage of lentiles;and he did eat and drink, and rose up and went his way:thus Esau despised his birthright.

3)Genesis 27 vs 39 to 40; And Isaac his father answered and said unto him,Behold,thy dwelling shall be the fatness of the earth, and of the dew of heaven from above.And by thy sword shalt thou live,and shall serve thy brother; and it shall come to pass when thou shalt have the dominion,that thou shalt break his yoke from off thy neck.

4)Isaiah 11 vs 9 to 10; They shall not hurt nor destroy in all my holy mountain:for the earth shall be full of the knowledge of the LORD,as the water cover the sea.And in that day there shall be a root of Jesse,which shall stand for an ensign of the people;to it shall the Gentiles seek and his rest shall be glorious.

5)Isaiah 60 vs 2 to 3; For,behold,the darkness shall cover the earth,and gross darkness the people:but the LORD shall arise upon thee,and his glory shall be seen upon thee.And the Gentiles shall come to thy light,and Kings to the brightness of thy rising.

6)Isaiah 66 vs 12; For thus saith the LORD,Behold,I will extend peace to her like a river, and the glory of the Gentiles like a flowing stream: then shall ye suck,ye shall be borne upon her sides, and be dandled upon her knees.As one whom his mother comforteth,so will I comfort you;and ye shall be comforted in Jerusalem.

7)Matthew 20 vs 25 to 27; But Jesus called them unto him,and said,Ye know that the princes of the Gentiles exercise dominion over them,and they that are great exercise authority upon them. But it shall not be so among you: but whosoever will be great among you,let him be your minister; And whosoever will be the chief among you,let him be your servant:

8)Acts 15 vs 19 to 20; Wherefore my sentence is,that we trouble not them,which from among the Gentiles are turned to God:But that we write unto them,that they abstain from pollutions of idols, and from fornication,and from things strangled ,and from blood.

9)Ephesians 3 vs 6 to 7; That the Gentiles should be fellowheirs, and of the same body,and partakers of His promise in Christ by gospel. whereof I was made a minister,according to the gift of the grace of God given unto me by the effectual working of his power.

10)Galatians 2 vs 14; But when I saw that they walked not uprightly according to the truth of the gospel, I said unto Peter before them all, If thou,being a Jew, livest after the manner of Gentiles,and not as do the Jews, why compellest thou the Gentiles to live as do the Jews?

11)1st Peter 2 vs 12; Having your conversation honest among the Gentiles:that,whereas they speak against you as evildoers, they may by your good works,which they shall behold,glorify God in the day of visitation.

12)2 Timothy 4 vs 17 to 18; Notwithstanding the Lord stood with me, and strengthened me; that by me preaching might be fully known, and that all the Gentiles might hear: and I was delivered out of the mouth of the lion. And the Lord shall deliver me from every evil work, and will preserve me unto his heavenly kingdom: to whom be glory for ever and ever. Amen.

13) Ephesians 4 vs 17 to 18; This I say therefore, and testify in the Lord,that ye henceforth walk not as other Gentiles walk, in the vanity of their mind, Having the understanding darkened,being alienated from the life of God through the ignorance that is in them, because of the blindness of their heart:

Little Bible Interpretation: Jews are the descendants of Jacob which are identified in the Holy book as the oppressors, scammers, cheats, deceivers, they are not the white people or the people in the country called Israel today or the Americans today but the bible said they are scattered everywhere. That is to say anyone cheating or deceiving others to gain glory, every sinner, those people who want to enjoy other people's glory and use indirect means to take what does not belong to them shall loose at last, those who imitate orders while the Edomites are the descendants of Esau, the patient birds, the hard working people, the sincere people, though the stronger people and smarter yet the servant to the weaker, the righteous people, the forgiving heart, the bible said that at the fullness of time they shall gain dominion and shall break the chain of their brother off their neck and shall be given an everlasting dominion. We are mixed in every country with Jews and Gentiles

In conclusion, I humbly advice our government to support every industry in Nigeria as to this regards especially the movie industry because it will benefit everyone. And I advice every organisation or industry in Nigeria especially the movie Industry to support the present president of our greatest country. Buhari has exhibited fear of God, its not easy to be chosen by God for such a great changeLet all hands be on deck when we all know that nothing good comes easy , besides there is nothing we cannot achieve together.

Written By Chukwu Chinomso

Published By Nipponcy Richard